The wall crawlers from previous Spider-Man movies, including Tobey Maguire, appeared in MCU’s Spider-Man: No Way Home as their own respective Peter Parkers to team up with the young Spidey portrayed by Tom Holland. Expanding on the Spider-Man: No Way Home collection series, Hot Toys is presenting your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man as 1/6th scale collectible figure.
Faithfully crafted based on the image of Tobey Maguire as Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man/ Peter Parker in the movie, the movie-accurate figure features a newly developed head sculpt with amazing likeness, a masked head sculpt; highly-poseable body with great range of articulation; beautiful recreation of Spider-Man’s red and blue suit with raised silver webbing patterns; highly-detailed Sandman’s cure, spider-man mask, and assorted spider-web shooting effect parts.
It’s time to recruit The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man figure to your web slinger display!
The 1/6th scale Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/ Spider-Man in Spider-Man: No Way Home
- One (1) newly developed Peter Parker head sculpt
- One (1) interchangeable masked head sculpt
- Body with 30 points of articulation
- Approximately 30cm tall
- Twelve (12) pieces of interchangeable hands with black web pattern
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
- One (1) newly tailored red and blue colored Spider-Man outfit embossed with silver trims, web pattern and spider emblem on chest
- One (1) cure for Sandman
- One (1) Spider-Man mask (not wearable on figure)
- Six (6) strings of spider web in different shapes and lengths
- One (1) open spider web effect accessory
- A themed dynamic figure stand with movie logo and character name
*Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval
**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice
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